Two in one day!
[I set up my homepage to display the "God Faith" Google News search that finds bloggable articles, and (I cannot believe it) two qualifying articles showed up in the same day. By qualifying, I am referring to the Amy Writing Awards.]
I really like the Times Leader article I found today by Father Bob Timchak of Wilkes-Barre, PA, titled, "Turn to God when you're in a suffering state."
Father Bob writes:
A COUPLE OF weeks ago I felt like I had a black cloud hanging over me. Nothing was going right. It seemed like days went by without any good news and I started to retreat into the cave. That’s what I call my dark days -- cave experiences. It’s just my way of explaining rough times.
>>Read more
I appreciate his openness and personal touch that draws in the reader.
To qualify, Father Bob quoted Jesus' prayer in the garden before his Crucifixion: “Father, I do not pray for them alone. I pray also for all those who will believe in me through their word, that all may be one as you, Father, are in me and I in you; I pray that they may be one in us.”
"Did you catch that," Father Bob writes. "Jesus prayed for us. He prayed for me, for you, and for all who believe in him."
What a powerful message. Like I said, Father Bob's article qualifies for the Amy Writing Awards and I believe it will be a strong entry.
Keep up the good work, Father Bob! Keep writing.