This blog is maintained on behalf of the Amy Foundation for the purpose of tracking the best Christian journalism we find on the Web. Our posts regularly identify those news articles or opinions in the mainstream media that represent good faith-based writing and example them for other Christian journalists.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Good article that qualifies

Here is a good article written by Rev. John Dessart of Green Bay, Wisconsin. It was published today, May 19, 2007, in the Green Bay Press Gazette. John's article, titled "Faith Perspective: Making a True Turn to God," was a call to true repentance and referenced scripture several times, cited 2 Chronicles 7:14 a the model for believers to follow when truly turning to God.

Here is what John wrote:
One of the most alarming things that I am noticing in the church today is an attitude and spirit of complacency. One of the warnings that Jesus himself gave in Matthew 24:12 as he was describing the end times, was that the love of many would wax cold because of the abundance of iniquity. It used to be that life was more centered around God and the things of God than what we are seeing today.
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By citing identifiable scripture, John's article is qualified for the 2007 Amy Writing Awards. Good job, John; keep writing for Christ!


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